SuperBytes:$6 64MB OpenVZ VPS
2009年09月16日 | 标签: vps | 作者:vpsee
SuperBytes 是一家加拿大公司,是 Kerplunc Hosting 的一部分,只做 VPS 业务。普通 hosting 业务由 Kerplunc Hosting 的另外一家叫做 Fanatical Host 的公司负责,其实主要都是由创始人 Matthew Hall 和 Nick Barrett 两个人在打理,公司规模很小,2007年创立,客户目前有几百个,服务器10多台。有兴趣购买之前看看这个帖子 WHT,优惠 25%,相当于只要4.5美元每月。VPS 配置如下:
服务器在 Toronto, Ontario Canada, IPHouse Datacenter (London, UK) and Databank Datacenter (Dallas, Texas US).
SolusVM 控制面板
6GB 硬盘
64MB Guaranteed,128MB Burst
60 GB 带宽
All of our new servers are Core 2 Quad or Multi Core Xeon machines with between 6gb and 12gb of RAM. They are all outfitted with RAID1 hard drive setups and at least one Gigabit network adapter but usually two.
Our servers are UPS Protected and there is also a dedicated backup generator on site. We utilize a premium mix of Peer 1, All Stream and Atria Networks(multiple fibre connections including Hydro One Telecom) with TorIX peering.